Chartless Recorder


Paperless Recorder (PHF)

Compact front panel: 144 x 160 mm Up to 6 channels for thermocouples, RTD, voltage, or current input

Data saving on Compact Flash e.g.- data of 4 years' worth can be stored on 512 MB card

Data viewer and parameter loader software provided as standard Ethernet (option)

Allows you to use FTP, web server, e-mail, etc

Lithium-ion battery driven version available Battery life: approx. 10 years

Quick search and display of past data Just scroll the screen to check the past data

3 or 6 input channels


Paperless Recorder (PHL)

Provides flexibility and variety in the handling of record data. Up to 9 or 18 channels for thermocouples, RTD, voltage, or current input

Wide variety of display mode

Large-capacity data storage

Easy operation with on-screen guidance

Data viewer and parameter loader software provided as standard

BCompact design: 160 x 144 x 185 mm, 1.5 kg

RS485 (MODBUS) (option)

Ethernet (option)

Status display : Screen name, date & time, alarm information, recording status, writing status of measured data in Compact Flash, and fitting status of the card into the recorder slot

Time display : Indicates the recorded time and time scale

Trend display :Allows you to view measured result in waveforms

Digital display :Allows you to view measured values in a digital form

Key panel :Allows you to start/stop recording, and to change the display mode or the settings

Power indicator : Lights during the power is on, and blinks when the screen saver is working


Paperless Recorder (PHU)

Large size paperless recorder front panel 300 x 300 mm

Up to 36 channels for thermocouples, RTD, voltage, or current input

Data saving on CompactFlash e.g.- the data of 3 years' worth can be stored on 512 MB card

Data viewer and parameter loader software provided as standard

Ethernet (option) allows you to use FTP, web server, e-mail, etc

Quick search and display of past data just scroll the screen to check the past data 9, 18, 27, or 36 input channels